If you’re looking to add a little adventure to your next vacation, look no further.
At the Dive & Water Sports Pavilion, you’ll discover travel options that are based around water sports for both experienced SCUBA divers, recreational snorkelers, beginner paddle boarders and everyone in between.
Whether you’re looking for a vacation that is build around water-based adventure sports, or just looking to add a few activities to your existing itinerary, this Pavilion offers you everything you need.
Travel Providers You Can Count On
Throughout the Pavilion, you’ll come across a wide array of exhibitors. From the hottest destinations and resorts to tour operators and instructional groups, each booth is full of experts who are specifically trained to help you find, personalize and book your next trip no matter what your skill or interest level.
Industry Leading Content
You never know who you’re going to meet at America’s Favorite Travel Show, as you’ll experience top-tier information including:
If you’re looking for the latest advice ranging from expert dive tips to how to get into snorkeling, this is the place for you!
Deep Blue Adventures
Kerri Bingham
Anse Chastanet, Jade Mountain Resorts & Scuba St. Lucia
*Disclaimer: Show Management reserves the right to change speakers and schedules at its discretion. Check back frequently for updates and changes.